chapter.tex (1034B)
1 \chapter{Relation Extraction} 2 \label{chap:relation extraction} 3 \begin{epigraph} 4 {Augustus De Morgan} 5 {\citetitle{demorgan_syllogism3}} 6 {\cite*[p.~203]{demorgan_syllogism3}} 7 \kern2mm% Sadly unable to fix this underful hbox gracefuly, adding space between the quotes and the When seems to give the best result. 8 When two objects, qualities, classes, or attributes, viewed together by the mind, are seen under some connexion, that connexion is called a relation. 9 \end{epigraph} 10 \begin{epigraph} 11 {Maciej Cegłowski} 12 {\citetitle{constraints_design}} 13 {\cite*{constraints_design}} 14 Hard constraints are the midwife to good design. 15 \end{epigraph} 16 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/introduction.tex} 17 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/definition.tex} 18 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/supervision.tex} 19 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/sentential.tex} 20 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/aggregate.tex} 21 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/unsupervised.tex} 22 \input{mainmatter/relation extraction/conclusion.tex}